[Fg-general] Minutes: General Meeting March 11th 2008

Ryan M. Golbeck gowlin-lists at gowlin.org
Thu Mar 20 10:53:14 PDT 2008

Apologies for the delay.

Will post it on the wiki later.  I'm having trouble contacting the
server right now.

* Attendance
  Facilitator: Adam
  Ryan Y
  Scribe: Ryan G
  Minutes Checker: Richard 
  Regulator: Kim

* Agenda
** old biz
** new biz
   ubuntu sig
   asterisk (phone in general: price information)
   hr recomendation -- collectivizing
   first aid
   financial report
   directors insurance
   massive budget
   adoption class
   project proposal
* Concensus briefing: Ifny
** AGM:
   new board members
   increase board size from 3 to 7
   increase size of the membership from 5 to 11 (new directors)
** mobo branding: etching
   provided cases for tests
   no word back yet on progress
** free the net letter
   accept draft
   letter not provided to FG until day before due date
   letter sent to Free The Net, not recieved til late, not included in their package due to miscommunication
** esabc manufacturers
   ESACB handles provincial programs for recycling (receive fees from computer sales)
   FG meeting with ESABC to add reuse elements to provincial recycling program. 
   we'd have to send all our stuff to provincal vendors? lose circuit board fees
   negotiation includes opportunity for us to become collection depot, get fees similar to salvation army this would minimize loss of revenue from recyclabes 
   trying to impress upon them we have good community relations
   Negotiations continue

** Presentation: Ubuntu Vancouver: Kim
   Canada Ubuntu mailing list: no vancouver group
   Big turnout at first one meeting (off of a vanlug meeting)
   Common topic: freegeek
   Good synergy between two groups, hardware group, software group
   benefit by working closely
   looking for a purpose for uvancouver
   maybe a windowless wednesday once a month could be a combined WW + Ubuntu Vancouver
   Suggestion: fix ubuntu hibernation
   Suggestion: membership talk about whether uvan can use our space for meetings
   Suggestion: forward or send ubuntu people back and forth
   Suggestion: Could fit in with the way our workgroups split off, or have ubuntu workshops.
   Ubuntu introduction was well attended (not tied in with WW)
   Offload some of our stuff onto uvan (someone from that group could handle our software stuff)
good synergy, but we should not just offload training and software unto external group
   who will lock the door if we provide space?
   Where to go from here?
     - start having meetings and see where people who show up want to go
   Suggest discussion move onto education mailing list
   Approval for last thursday of march 27th meeting
   ubuntuvancouver at uac.ca?

** Presentation: Photo documentary assignment: Matt 
   full time student focal point - diploma program in photography
   wants to document what we are doing in the community as volunteers over a few weeks
   focus on volunteers and volunteer work @ FG
   50-60 good images for a slide show
   offer us the images for use / promotion
   assignment for school work
   not for personal use: he retains copyright but we have full use
   needs release forms for each volunteers in photos for freegeek promotional use
   wants to know if we manipulate images (besides resizing images)
   images would not be permitted to be used outside of context
   discussion ensued about potential for copyleft measures for images, consider releasing images under CC license
   Use of images is for assignment only.  Not for portfolio or
   advertising etc.  But legally, he can use whatever he wants without

Commit: Matt will submit written proposal to mailing lists including waver forms and copyright wishes.
Concensus to move forward after proposal submitted.

** Mark: Asterisk update and phone
   did we decide to get a second line? decided to hold off and see about asterisk
   second phone line pricing: telus extra 41.11 ($115 for installation), 
   voip trunk net voice (we can get a DID (phone number)): 4.95 mo + 0.01 per minute
     unmeasured line 29.95 per month + 15% discount (non for profit)
     part of the same connection as montreal, toronto, etc.  cheap calls back east

   Asterisk moving along quite well
   Different types of connections work well
   Moving on to logic part: how to route incoming calls, voice mail, etc
   Have voicemail + transfers within a week
   Is there any emergency issues? Yes, if we go entirely voip.
     Depends on power, and Internet.  Would lose 911.
   Reliability Issues: get dedicated trunk; we get a phoneline
   Do we know what our requirements are?  We definitly need 2 lines
   We don't require a contract for VOIP: discount, no installation costs
   Sim: Can we get a written proposal for the mailing list?
   Is the static gone? yes
   Serious needs and budgeting considerations: extra costs need to be very clear
     require budgetary needs

Commit: Mark to post full proposal to mailing list. Discussion to ensue in finance group.

** Shop requirement for First Aid training: Sim 
   legislated requirement to have first aid person with first aid level 1
   one day course, valid for 2 years
   requirement by work site BC: under workers compensation act
Proposal: send all paid employees to first aid 
   costs slightly less than $100 per person
   also pay our people at the hourly rate for training
   one day 8 hour course
   occupational first aid: paper work around injuries, etc

   Can a trainer come to the site, is it more cost effective?
   Possibility, but not for just 3 people would probably cost more.

   this training should be a part of job descriptions

   rough overall expense 600-700 for four employees

   Vetted by budget: Can budget go over this to make sure

  certification documentation should be added to the wiki
  HR spreadsheet should be set up for awareness and records of training and skills

Commit: proposal to be vetted by finance. staff should attend sessions on a rotating basis (one person per month or every couple months).

** Directors Insurance Report: Ifny
   Close to being in place.  waiting on meeting with insurance company.
   they know our intentions.  They want resumes of our directors (or
   just a brief description).  We'll use the introduction from the
   AGM.  Also need to submit the report of the AGM to Victoria.  2
   weeks from time of paper work.  Waiting on estimate.  Cooperators
   insurance broker.

** ebay: Ifny
  set up FG Vancouver ebay store for light and mobile items: processors, etc.  Small high volume items.
   adds another revenue stream
   Paypal takes 2%
   Ebay takes a flat fee for ad placement (25 cents) + percentage of sale price
   Does anyone forsee a problem selling on ebay?  
Commit: to establish FG ebay store. David will coordinate collective volunteer effort. Store must include link to our site. Consensus.

** Geek Box Adoption Class: Ifny
   Adoption classes available for volunteers who have completed 24 hours.  This
   is the class on how to use their built computer.  A lot of these people are beginners.
   Main way to get a free computer here.  Trying to get classes going
   regularly.  Need to put together a list of syllabus.
   Portland has adoption class (getting started), one hour all you
   need to know to setup your computer and basic use (this is the
   required course).  Other more advanced classes.

   Could this be offloaded with uvancouver?  No, this is a freegeek issue,
   our volunteers and process.  Don't want to offload onto 3rd party.
   How often does class run?  In the past individually as people
   graduate.  more people graduating, so running more classe.  Maybe
   one per week.  Maybe split syllabus between multiple clasess so
   there is no information overload.

  Problem that some volunteers can only come in on weekends and
   saturdays are very busy.

Commit: Interested teachers join education mailing list. Need help with takehome documentation. Discussion of adoption class logistics will continue on mailing list.

** Wiki: Sim
For Information:
   Hosting wiki on shop computer is wrong and illegal violation of
   contract with Telus.  Terms of service forbid this service.  Sim
   move wiki to webserver that is running our drupal.  URL scheme
   changed: bookmarks broken.  User accounts are gone.


   shop wiki still up.  Add a redirect.

All users must recreate accounts.

** Financial Report: Sean
   didn't meet our store budget projections: 1100 short
   smash recycling budget projections: 1500-1600 over

   total feb profit 1800.
   running profit 3600 end of february

   major march expenses: rent, first salary

   total assets, 
   5800 liabilities
   owe David for line of credit
   includes taxes

   total equity 8800

   profitable in traditionally non profitable months

   January  3800 for scrap
   February sold just under 6000 in scrap (copper wire, steel, etc)

Proposal: payment in full of David's line of credit for free geek.

Discussion: Stop incurring interest on this loan.  We have the money.  David has indicated
   that we would be amenable to reloaning this line of credit if we
   needed it.  We are paying variable interest rate (7.25).  Compound
   interest monthly on the cycle days.  We're in a growth area.  David
   is only liability besides tax liability.  Hard to project future
   growth and expense.  Concern of not having access to emergency
   funds for paying salaries.  Would like to see a backup if Davids
   concerns change and the line of credit isn't available anymore.  No
   terms of loan with David: more of a libability than just the money
   => good to get off the books.

Commit: Sean transfer money to David by end of the week after more detailed interest calculation and logistics decided between Sean and David.
Sean will post an update that it has been completed.  Passes.

Proposal: Monthy financial reports should be made available on wiki.

Discussion: Membership has expressed desire for regular financial reports on several occations.
Numbers we don't want public include prices we pay for aluminum, etc. or our payments. Our recyclers deserve 
   We don't want to screw our sources if they are giving us a better
   deal.  No real reason for this to be transparent.  How do we report
   recycling numbers?  Just give our recyling revenue and not include
   tonnage.  People can find out these details by becoming more
   involved instead of casual observer.  Just produce basic balance
   sheet.  General broken down expenses.  Produce baseline and go from

Commit: Sean will post general numbers monthly to wiki. More detailed information is open and available to interested people.

** Massive Technology Trade Show
   massive tech trade show to convention centre.  good for us in the

   getting prominent booth this year, close to entrance and media

   Proposal: Is it okay if we have a budget for Massive?  Last year
   was a little over $500 including booth price ($180).  Shoot for
   something similar this year ($635).  Print fliers $20, have new
   photos of our space.  Buttons $80 for 200 local artist; Charge $1
   for buttons.  May have truck expenses (apple blossom trees?).
   Embark on trial for freegeek tshirts ($200 budget); sell for $15:

   We already budgeted $400 for this at the beginning of the year.
   Break buttons and fliers out into advertising budget?
   Stickers popular at swap meet

   Proposal increase budget by $100: leave to revenue to decide.
   No objections.

** HR Recomendation
   Interim HR group struck to review structure, current challenges and opportunity.
   Interviewed current volunteers and people at FG.
   Overall structure deemed acceptable, some duties were formalized, shifted between roles.
   Full report available on wiki.

   Originally budgeted for 3 staff (roughly $1500 / person / month  => 4 ppl $6000 / month).

   Upon review became obvious that 4 people are required.  Three are unable to keep up with what's needed: blocks a lot of areas.
   Current income doesn't support 4 staff. We need another 1000 /mo in revenue to pay for 4th person.

Proposed positions: 
   Recycling Coordinator: generally shipping receiving decide what's reusable
   Reuse Coordinator: take care of reusable pieces; network admin devel
   Revenue and Finance: deal with income and payment
   Communications Person: tie roles together and manage
     outreach, etc; volunteer coordinator

   1st 3 done by people pretty much already here. Ryan (reuse), David
   (rev, finance), Ifny (comm).

   Generally expected that we could deal with these numbers from new
   revenue streams.    Revenue person can find new revenue areas to pursue and maximize.
   Revenue has gone up since Sim has been volunteering in the
   warehouse; store looks better; helps a lot. David does well at meeting targets, met january but not february.
   but a lot of volunteer difficulty, and worst retail month.

   Pattern has been growth, continually; have pretty much always been
   in the black.

   Risk of not hiring 4th employee by burning out current employees.

   What are other fg staffing models: Portland: 3 people formed staff
   collective and did first hires and join collective on probationary
   basis.  Collective decides who gets hired.  Had to approach
   directors for money with budget etc.  Now staff has HR create new
   job description, run by council, and HR does hiring.  Ultimate say
   of hire is the staff collective because they have to work with the

 Contingency options available:
   Staff collective can take measures to reduce wages or take unpaid
   vacations to reduce wages if necessary.  Try a 3 month review and
   see how it goes.

   what if money dries up or we're short?  Try a 3 month review to
   come back to this.

   Convene contingency meeting within 3 months for this test.  Risk
   taken by peolpe who are hired.

   Ryan enthusiastic about plan and thanks HR group for proposal.
   Thinks risk of not having 4 people is much greater.  This should be

   Concern: too much focus on generating revenue to make this happen rather than
   core FG tasks and mission? HR Group address this specifically in document.  Identify revenue
   as a support role.  Identifies staff roles that are dedicated to
   our mission.  Revenue is important for us to meet our mission

Proposal: to accept the draft proposal with a review meeting after
   3 months.  PASSED

   Recomendation: develop effective HR policy; how we hire, fire,
   grievancy and employee evaluations; define role of employee relative
   to other roles; define exactly what it means to be an employee within
   a particular sphere of influence (eg.  running as a concensus and
   incorporating views of others)

   Recomendation: create another HR interim group to develop this new

** Collectivizing
   Portland has the staff collective. Full time staff post and decide hires.
   Staff collective means that staff have final say on whether someone
   gets hired or not.  Defines staff as political body.  Group of
   people who are responsible for operations as a whole.

   Collective can take recomendations for 4th position and accept.
   General membership doing hire is hard.  Having directors doing
   hiring set bad precedent.  HR doing hiring not good (should be done
   with staff).

   Staff perogative to collectivise. HR group in conjunction with staff will determine role of collecitve in hiring process.
   Staff articulate role and define collective, decide and bring to list.

   3 people solid candidates for jobs.  Suggest that its a foregone conclusion
   who 3 of the 4 positions will be.

   Propose: credit these positions by acclimation so we don't leave
   people hanging.  Forming a staff collective of the first hires.
   Introductions to the staff collective on probationary basis,
   including first 3.  Done in conjunction with HR group.

   Commit: Hire Ifny, Ryan and David: PASSED

   Commit: Interim HR group to meet and establish hiring process. New/different members welcome. Draft policy complete and sent to lists March 18, 2008.
Contingency General Meeting and vote on March 20, 2008. Concensus achieved.

   Commit: Post job ad after draft hiring policy established. Task not Assigned***

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