[Fg-general] grant commit for next month

Luke Closs lukecloss at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 23:41:09 PDT 2009

(cc'd to fg-general as a good, open communication practice.)

Hey Stephen,

I thought I'd share some thoughts about what I'd like to see for the
Vancity Grant Report next month.

In Agile Development practices, there is the idea of "story tests", or
"project tests".  These tests are basically re-stating the more
verbose prose of the requirements.  The end result is a list of
statements that *should be true* when the project is done.  Usually
the process of writing these tests reveals the "implicit" requirements
in a project, which has been extremely invaluable in my experience.

So some examples would probably be good (i'm just making these up):

* Wiki contains up-to-date process information on Build Program FooBar
* 5 Build Trainers are actively involved each week
* 20 Systems are built each week
* 2 Grillion machines were built in the past year

This kind of thing.  Basically they are statements that we can
evaluate to be true or false.

Anyways,  This may be a good way of thinking about and presenting our
progress towards the grant.  So your focus becomes to keep working on
the failing tests.  It's something you can keep coming back to.

I just was doing this today with some work code and automated tests,
and it was awesome.  Keep coming back to the tests.  See what is
failing, then fix it.  Coding nirvana. :)

Perhaps we could collaborate on writing some of these, if you're
interested.  We could probably do the bulk of this on the public wiki.


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