[mp3togo] mp3togo, tags, and silent adaptation

Dan Stromberg dstromberglists at gmail.com
Sun Aug 12 20:08:22 PDT 2007

Thanks for the great software.  It enabled me to cram my music collection
onto my 20G iAudio X5 running rockbox.  Without mp3togo, it wouldn't have

I just found a moment to get tags to work on my Ubuntu system, and I wanted
to make a suggestion to save others the difficulty.

It'd be useful if mp3togo could, upon finding that an optional module isn't
avaialble, warn the user and suggest what's missing - possibly even listing
the package names in some of the more popular distributions.  It's great
that mp3togo is so adaptive, continuing even when key modules aren't
available, but in a way, this makes diagnosing missing functionality harder
when done silently.

I installed the python ID3, python eyeD3 and python ogg.vorbis support to
get tags functional, but I had to study the code a little and take some
guesses as to Ubuntu package names to get there.

Thanks again.

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