Wishing You The Best

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Although success as is wealth is relative, accomplishing a realistic goal is bound to be self-enriching and priceless for a determined individual. I hope my giving you a 15-mile ride on Jan. 16th to the Leo Carrillo campground doesn't end up being an "asterisk/disclaimer" to your "Walk For The Cure For Cars" endeavor. Flexibility and reasonableness are positive qualities of realistic individuals. So I hope that you exercise them again, without feeling guilty, when the next offer for a safe ride comes along. After all, it's no additional cost to the environment as you're carpooling, which you rightfully mentioned. I'll follow your travails via your web site. My life is richer for having exchanged ideas with you, brief as it may had been. "Blessed are the peacemakers and the responsible stewards of the environment because they are truly the children of God" .... JR

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