vancouver bc time: Jan 3, 2007 11:59pm |
~~ lba ~~ |
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Well my estimated time of departure has been pushed back. The problems are two-fold. A. Less than reliable means for transportation. B. My sleek and fancy typewriter is kind of unstable at the moment. An explaination of each is in order. A. Transportation. its a long ways from Vancouver to San Diego. I have been trying to come up with a plan for this traverse since autumn. For a while i had set up an arrangement to go down with a friend of mine. The plan turned belly up a couple weeks ago when it was realized that it just was not feasible. Since then i have been investigating various means of travel. The bus and the train are the two foremost in the idea catelogue. However i decided that it would be more interesting if I found a rideshare. I posted on Craigslist for a rideshare well in advance. I'm talking last week thursday. So far I have had 3 responses from the post. The first one arriving in my email box 2 hours after the post. That first response has been the most promising. The second reply was from a group of girls headed to LA for some reason. They bailed on the idea, after 3 days. The third was by far the most bizzare. Some News Broadcaster from Calgary that wants to go make it big in LA. The first however is the only one to have been sounding determined from the get go. Therefore i am hoping that this person will give me the ride i need. Only time will tell... and if not i hear that public transit is a good idea. B. Sleek fancy and fancy typewriter
So i finally bit the bullet and bought a laptop. It has been a really nice machine to date. It started out life with me with a fresh install of Debian/Linux with a BlackBox windows manager. That was some time in November. The joe helped me with the install big time. And my brother, the sim helped me to install apache2 on it. All that aside I have been really pleased with sitka to date. It was when I tried to install a different kernel with slick new software on her that things when to pot. Since then i have had no end of trouble trying to get this fancy typewriter to stop being such a bitch.
![]() there she is in all her xterm glory With all that aside i will have to end with. Holy shit its hard to hitchhike when you use a digital thumb, and who the hell thought the computer was a good idea anyway!!! The new estimated time of depature is for early morning on saturday January 6 2007. If that ride doesn't work out then i am on the train. with or without this beast of technical burden.
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