Oceanside, CA time: jan 11, 2007 6:58pm |
~~ lba ~~ |
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Another day done. A few more centimetres on the map. I really shouldn't have bought a map that is at such a scale. Mind you if it were in a scale that seemed like I was making some head way it wouldn't fit in my back pocket so neatly. all that aside I broke 100 kms today. Its still double digits if you look at in miles but lets not talk miles at least not today. I just googled the distance and it came up as 55 miles. I don't want to check again as it may be too depressing. Now mind you google maps doesn't account for all the detours I had to take. So I am going to round up to at least 65 miles. My feet feel like they have walked a thousand miles. They kept telling me that they wanted to stop all day, but I didn't let it get to me. Currently I am treating myself to a hotel room. Its not the nicest but its better than that one in LA. in addition I am able to steal wireless from the Motel 6 next door so its pretty awesome. The room is only $54 which is $10 cheaper than the others. Thank goodness I prepared for this trip and saved a healthy chunk of money. Despite what alot of people have said I am finding California to be pretty decently priced. So long as you stick to the places which are out of the mainstream. I LOVE burritos and they are real cheap. Especially if you lean toward vegetarianism. The methane from the beans is also a good propellant. I swear there is a little Mexican in me. But on with the story. Del Mar is a pretty rich town. I walked past some huge houses. One of which appeared to be brand new. It had awesome wood work on the exterior. Looked like that Nothern Californ Redwood. I prefer the natural tree look of the wood but the architect really did do a good job following the form. There was a crane in what was soon to be the front lawn. It looked to be just a 20 tonne lifter. They were using it to plant some palm trees. I am real glad thats not how we plant trees in Ontario. It seems pretty tedious and not very lucaritive. ![]() la plage ![]() an interesting use of the bunk It was solid housing up the coast from Del Mar. Well it wasn't entirely solid. There were a few lagoons which were homeless. Ducks, cranes, pelicans, and seagulls live there. So I guess its all pretty inhabited. The town of Encinitas was the next place I passed through. I stopped on a bluff there to have an orange and some nuts. As I sat there I saw a falcon hunting in the wind. it hung in the air like a kite staring at the ground then diving quickly at things in the bushes. I saw it catch a mouse. Which there must be plenty of because it caught one while i was peeling. Out in the ocean I observed some whales spouting, and there were dozens of pelicans flying around. ![]() big birds fly across the sky On my way into Carlsbad I walked through a state campground. There was group of women inmates there cleaning up the place. They were extremely friendly. I waved and said hello to all of them. They told me to stay out of trouble. I promised them I would. The gaurd watching them gave me the evil eye so I bid haste from there. Upon entering Carlsbad Beach I saw a huge pipe, about a foot in diameter spewing out this ugly sludge into the ocean. There was a man in a front end loader watching it. Whatever the crud was it smelt real bad and full of chemicals. By following the pipe i found out that it was attached to a dredging barge in the lagoon on the other side of the highway. All the locals seem un-disturbed by the scene. The Seagulls were entranced by the spectacle. I am not sure what was going on. It seemed incredibly wrong. But so did all the military aircraft flying about. Perhaps if I were a group of environmentalists I would have been able to find out what the sludge was. Since i was just a passer-by with little clout the workers weren't very forthcoming with answers to my inquiries. ![]() the sludge Carlsbad is home to a Military Acadamey. I realized this when I saw an unusual density of crewcuts and military caps. They start 'em out young here. A few seemed like they weren't much more than 13. It was a bit disturbing. Kinda cult like. They all walked the same way and talked the same way. Very orderly for punk kids. I walked past the academy a few minutes later. There was a Rudyard Kipling quote on the wall about being a MAN. Very disturbing. Just across the lagoon from Carlsbad is Oceanside. The last town before Camp Pendelton. Its a strange town. It screams military, and anti military. A bizzare contradiction. Almost every sign declares something about a discount to military employees. Then kitty-corner to that is a head shop. Not just one but a few dozen. One store was so bold as to have a neon peace sign in the window. As I walked past I saw all kind of bongs. Very strange indeed. I wonder what is actually going on in this town. Its almost like there is strong division in principal in america. Perhaps I have been influenced by the album I was listening too: Jello Biafra and Mojo Nixon with the Toad-Liquours. Jello Biafra of Dead Kennedys fame. Tomorrow I walk straight through Camp pendelton. It should take most of the day. I am looking forward to it. When i passed through on the train it seemed to be quite natural. I may have to break the law and follow the train tracks for a while. With any luck i won't have and M-16s pointed at me. I am pretty sure that this won't happen as I don't look like a hippie, or a terrorist. If anyone troubles me i will tell as much of the truth as i feel comfortable with. It should work nicely as i am quite friendly. My mother trained me well. So here i go into the den of zombies. wish me luck. I may need it. |
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