[Fg-general] Policy Documentation

afsmith adventurecomplete at gmail.com
Sat Apr 18 10:32:00 PDT 2009

Hi. I've started a project to help consolidate policy documentation at
Free Geek.
My plan is to have all minutes poured over at least three times, each
by at least 3 different people, to extract and reference
still-relevant decisions. I'm starting with past general minutes

Here is a wiki page I have set up to facilitate this:


Instructions are on the page, after the introduction

Alternatively to editing the wiki page, you may send your finished
notes on a set of minutes to this address
(adventurecomplete--at--gmail--dot--com) before May 20th 2009, and I
will get the wiki page edited  on your behalf. (the time limit is to
prevent stuff from coming to me indefinitely)

Also, if anyone has minutes for the days missing in the "past minutes"
wiki page, please post them there as appropriate, even between "pre"
tags will do (or send them to me before May 20th)

If you have any ideas or think you could help in some other way, feel
free to get in touch


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