[mp3togo] dependency: python-support

sim reallifesim at gmail.com
Fri Feb 9 19:06:02 PST 2007

Hi Mike,

On 2/8/07, Mike <ekkikrist at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I am using debian sarge.
> Here is what happens when I install the mp3togo deb.


> Checking packages.debian.org shows package python-support is currently
> not available in stable (sarge).  Only in testing and unstable.

I'm sorry Mike, that's my fault. There have been some changes in the
Debian Python policy and I have been attempting to track them. I
believe the package to be compliant to the current Debian policy,
unfortunately, it is no longer correct for Sarge.

If my package was in the official archive this wouldn't be a problem
as it would have been frozen with Sarge. (Actually, Sarge was released
before mp3togo, so it wouldn't be there at all)

The download page on the website claims to support Sarge, that's a
bug. I'll fix it.

> Having said that, I downloaded the tar.gz and removed python-support
> from debian/control.  I did a debian/rules binary and installed the
> resulting deb.  I'm running the program now and it appears to be
> working.

Well done, I'm glad you were able to make it work.

Another way would have been to install the package with the Python
distutils. The instructions are on the website. As a fellow
Debianista, I loathe installing non-packaged software, so I understand
your choice.

> Seems as if, at least on sarge, python-support is not necessary.

python-support is newer than Sarge, it's the new way to package Python
software for Debian and it works really nicely.

If I get some time soon, I'll set up a branch in version control for a
Sarge backport so I can keep a package for sarge current. I can't
promise it will happen before Etch is released and that will probably
make the backport obsolete.

It doesn't look like I'm going to get mp3togo into Etch, so I guess I
should freeze a version of mp3togo for the release of Etch.

Thanks for the bug report Mike, I'd probably never have noticed the
issue on my own.

Nice job on the workaround, happy listening.


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